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Hawksworth has three governing bodies, Hawksworth Parish Meeting, Hawksworth Community Association and the Parochial Church Council.

Hawksworth Parish Meeting (HPM)

Because of the small size of the village there is no Parish Council and Hawksworth has a Parish Meeting which can be attended by everyone in the village.

A minimum of two meetings per year are held, including a meeting to set the village precept in January and the AGM around May when a Chairman is elected and the accounts for HPM and HCA are presented and approved.

Hawksworth Community Association (HCA)

HCA was set up in 1989 to raise money for the repair and restoration of the church building which is used as the community hall for Hawksworth.

HCA needs to hold an annual meeting and traditionally this is incorporated into the Parish Meeting AGM.

To see the restoration projects including those funded by HCA, click on the link below

The purpose of Hawksworth Community Association (HCA), as defined in the constitution is:

To promote any charitable purpose and to provide facilities for recreation and leisure time occupation for the inhabitants of Hawksworth and its surrounding area, without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions, through the provision of a village hall and the upkeep, maintenance and running costs of Hawksworth Church, its fabric and surrounds and all things ancillary thereto.

Hawksworth Parochial Church Council (PCC)

The PCC is the governing body of a parish church and is made up of members of the clergy and lay members of the church.

They are responsible for the overall well being, practical as well as spiritual, of Hawksworth church, the church members and the church buildings.

The PCC is required to meet at least 4 times a year which is open to PCC members, and to hold an AGM which is open to the public

Parish meeting minutes - incorporating HCA AGM 

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